The evolution of viscosity during flow of mantle rocks at high temperatures is fundamental to a variety of geodynamic processes. For example, transient creep of the upper mantle has been identified as a major contributor to geodetically observed surface deformations during post-seismic creep (Freed et al., 2012;Masuti et al., 2016;Pollitz, 2005;Qiu et al., 2018), for which the strains are typically <10 −3 , and inferred viscosities are one to two orders of magnitude lower than the long-term, steady-state viscosity. Because transient viscosities also continue to evolve during postseismic deformation, they likely cause a time-dependent transfer of stresses to neighboring faults, rather than the instantaneous transfer assumed by popular calculations of Coulomb stress changes (e.g., Freed, 2005). Although sophisticated earthquake forecast models do incorporate time-dependent loading according to average plate motion rates (e.g., Field et al., 2015Field et al., , 2017, they still do not incorporate variable loading rates that would occur due to transient creep of the lithosphere. In addition, transient viscosities are expected to be important, although they have not yet been thoroughly considered, in other small-strain processes including flexure of the lithosphere near volcanic loads (Zhong & Watts, 2013) or in subducting slabs near trenches (Hunter & Watts, 2016), during which the strains rarely exceed 10 −2 .