Nanostructured tungsten oxide is a promising material
for sensing
reducing gases such as hydrogen. However, this material exhibits limitations
due to a poor response toward sensing at room temperature, incomplete
recovery to the initial state, long response time, and a low response
factor, which is not desired for explosive gases like hydrogen. In
this work, we, for the first time, demonstrate that these limitations
can be significantly overcome using the core–shell structure
of tungsten oxide (WO3) nanorods and hydrogen titanate
(H2Ti3O7) nanotubes developed and
suitably defect-engineered by low-energy ion irradiation. The sensor
based on the pristine core–shell heterostructure of tungsten
oxide nanorods and hydrogen titanate nanotubes exhibits excellent
response and selectivity to different concentrations of H2 ranging from 10 to 500 ppm. However, it requires a quite high temperature
of 300 °C with response and recovery times of about 38 and 99.8
s, respectively. After irradiation, the hybrid form shows a similar
level of response and selectivity, however, at a much lower temperature
of about 120 °C with significantly faster response and recovery
times of about 16 and 18 s, respectively. Such an ion beam-modified
structure addresses critical issues of developing a gas-sensing device,
such as the effects of moisture and power consumption. The experimental
observations are very well in agreement with the predictions of the
state-of-the-art Monte Carlo-based TRI3DYN ion-solid interaction simulation,
and the gas-sensing mechanism was explained using first principles-based
calculation. The study reveals that low-energy ion-induced defect
engineering yields better charge transport, better binding of the
gas with the surface, as well as the superior moisture-repelling ability
of the surface, leading to better sensing performance than the pristine
core-shell structure. This heterostructure between two nanomaterials
carries complementary advantages in various aspects, such as the surface
area, conductivity, and sensitivity toward a wide range and mixture
of gases. Additionally, the wrapping yields good mechanical strength
and flexibility, making it possible to use as a flexible sensing device
made through a bottom-up fabrication technique.