Volume 39The Topics in Geobiology series covers the broad discipline of geobiology that is devoted to documenting life history of the Earth. A critical theme inherent in addressing this issue and one that is at the heart of the series is the interplay between the history of life and the changing environment. The series aims for high quality, scholarly volumes of original research as well as broad reviews.Geobiology remains a vibrant as well as a rapidly advancing and dynamic fi eld. Given this fi eld's multidiscipline nature, it treats a broad spectrum of geologic, biologic, and geochemical themes all focused on documenting and understanding the fossil record and what it reveals about the evolutionary history of life. The Topics in Geobiology series was initiated to delve into how these numerous facets have infl uenced and controlled life on Earth.Recent volumes have showcased specifi c taxonomic groups, major themes in the discipline, as well as approaches to improving our understanding of how life has evolved.Taxonomic volumes focus on the biology and paleobiology of organisms -their ecology and mode of life -and, in addition, the fossil record -their phylogeny and evolutionary patterns -as well as their distribution in time and space.Theme-based volumes, such as predator-prey relationships, biomineralization, paleobiogeography, and approaches to high-resolution stratigraphy, cover specifi c topics and how important elements are manifested in a wide range of organisms and how those dynamics have changed through the evolutionary history of life. Comments or suggestions for future volumes are welcomed.