Images are susceptible to various kinds of noises, which corrupt the pictorial information stored in the images. Image de-noising has become an integral part of the image processing workflow. It is used to attenuate the noises and accentuate the specific image information stored within. Machine learning is an important tool in the image-de-noising workflow in terms of its robustness, accuracy, and time requirement. This paper explores the numerous state-of-the-art machine-learning-based image de-noisers like dictionary learning models, convolutional neural networks and generative adversarial networks for a range of noises like Gaussian, Impulse, Poisson, Mixed and Real-World noises. The motivation, algorithm and framework of different machine learning de-noisers are analyzed. These de-noisers are compared using PSNR as quality assessment metric on some benchmark datasets. The best de-noising results for different noise type is discussed along with future prospects. Among various Gaussian noise de-noisers, GCBD, BRDNet and PReLU network prove to be promising. CNN+LSTM, and MC2RNet are most suitable CNNbased Poisson de-noisers. For impulse noise removal, Blind CNN, and CNN+PSO perform well. For mixed noise removal, WDL, EM-CNN, CNN, SDL, and Mixed CNN are prominent. De-noisers like GRDN and DDFN show accurate results in the domain of real-world de-noising.