Família/Espécies Cromossomos sexuais Sistema Heteromorfismo Referências Alsodidade Eupsophus insularis XX/XY ic, pbc Cuevas e Formas 1996 Eupsophus migueli XX/XY ic, pbc Iturra e Veloso 1989 Eupsophus roseus XX/XY pbc Iturra e Veloso 1989 Bufonidae Bufotes viridis ZZ/ZW pbr Odierna et al. 2007 Rhinella marina ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), CGH Abramyan et al. 2009 Centrolenidae Vitreorana antisthenesi XX/XY ic, pbc Schmid et al. 1989 Craugastoridae Pristimantis euphronides ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2002c Pristimantis shrevei ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2002c Pristimantis pulvinatus XXAA/XYAA ou XAA Y tc (X < Y), ic Schmid et al. 2010 Pristimantis riveroi XXAA/XYAA ou XAA Y tc (X < Y), ic Schmid et al. 2003 Pristimantis sp. nov. H XXAA/XYAA ou XAA Y tc, ic, pbc, pn Schmid et al. 2010 Strabomantis biporcatus XXAA/XYAA ou XAA Y tc (X < Y), ic Schmid et al. 1992, 2002a Discroglossidae Haplobatrachus tigerinus ZZ/ZW pbc Saba e Tripathi 2014 Fejervarya limnocharis XX/XY tc, ic Patawang et al. 2014 Eleutherodactylidae Eleutherodactylus albipes ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus casparii ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus cuneatus ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus emiliae ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus glamyrus ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus turquinensis ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus sp. nov. G ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus johnstonei XX/XY ic Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus oxyrhyncus XX/XY tc (Z < W), pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Eleutherodactylus cavernicola XXAA/XYAA ou XAA Y tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2010 Hemiphractidae Gastrotheca ovifera XX/XY tc (X > Y), pbc Schmid et al. 1988, 2002b Gastrotheca peruana XX/XY ic, pbc Schmid et al. 2012 Gastrotheca pseutes XX/XY pbc Schmid et al. 1990 Gastrotheca riobambae XX/XY tc (X < Y), pbc, pn Schmid et al. 1983, 1986, 1988, 2002b Gastrotheca walkeri XX/XY tc (X > Y), pbc Schmid et al. 1988, 2002b Hylidae Hyla femoralis XX/XY pn Schmid e Steinlein 2003 Hyloscirtus alytolylax XX/XY tc (X > Y), pbc Ferro et al. 2018 Pseudis tocantins ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc, pn Busin et al. 2008 Leiopelmatidae Leiopelma archeyi ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), ic, pbc Green 2002 Leiopelma hamiltoni ZZ/ZW tc (Z < W), pbc Green 1988 a Leiopelma hochstetteri 00/0W snu Green 1988 b Leptodactylidae Engystomops coloradorum ZZ/ZW pn Targueta et al. 2011 Engystomops freibergi XX/XY tc (X > Y), ic, pbc Targueta et al. 2010 Engystomops petersi XX/XY tc (X > Y), ic, pbc Targueta et al. 2010 Physalaemus albifrons KM361694.1 -KM361698.1 Physalaemus albonotatus KM361689.1 -KM361693.1 Physalaemus cuvieri JF281109 -JF281125 and KM361673.1 -KM361683.1 Physalaemus centralis KM361684.1 -KM361688.1 Physalaemus ephippifer KM361699.1 and KM361700.1 Physalaemus marmoratus KM361701.1 -KM361706.1 Leptodactylus latrans KM361718.1 -KM361724.1 Crossocadctylus gaudichaudii KM361725.1 and KM361726.1