Soft magnetic materials are a core element of power electronics and electrical machines. However, none of the soft magnetic materials is able to exploit the full potential of wide bandgap semiconductors, which operate above MHz frequency for efficient energy conversion in power electronic systems. Here, a high‐performance Fe–Si soft magnetic composites with a 2D ordered domain structure are reported, enabling efficient energy conversion at MHz frequencies. By transforming spherical particles into flakes and arranging them in layers, 2D magnetic domains are created within the composite. This leads to a 90% increase in permeability and a tenfold decrease in loss at 3 MHz compared to composite made with spherical particles. The significantly increased cut‐off frequency indicates that the ordered flaky particles are suitable for MHz applications, unlike the disordered spherical particles. These findings provide an effective approach for fabricating high performance soft magnetic composites from traditional spherical particles and miniaturizing magnetic devices for efficient power electronics operation.