The mitochondrial membrane-bound ATPases of several plants were investigated. Two distinct types were encountered. The mitochondrial ATPases of castor bean (Ricinus communis var. Zanzibarensis, L.), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea, L.), and scarlet runner (Phaseolus coccineus, L.) were found to be inhibited by oligomycin, to have elevated molecular weights when separated from the organefles by ultrasonication and ammonium sulfate treatment and, subsequent to purification, to be cold-labile. On the other hand, mitochondrin isolated from wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.), maize (Zea mays, L.), cafla (Zantedeschia aethiopica, Spreng.), and onions (Allium cepa, L.) contain ATPases which, after ultrasonication of the organeUes, were virtually insensitive to oligomycin and those molecular weights were as low as about 45,000; in the purified form they were resistant to storage in the cold. The plants whose mitochondrin were of the first type, characterized by having ATPases similar to those of the mitochondria of animal tissues and bakers' yeast, belonged to the dicotyledons, whereas the mitochondria of the other type were found in monocotyledonous plants.The antibiotic oligomycin is well established as a potent inhibitor of ATPases present in animal and bakers' yeast mitochondria (7,9). The mitochondrial ATPases of plants such as castor bean (12), mung bean (1), , and cauliflower (3) have also been reported to be markedly inhibited by this antibiotic. Variable degrees of oligomycin sensitivity, depending on stage of plant development, have been reported by Passam (5) for Arum maculatum mitochondria. Jung and Hanson (3), working with intact and sonicated cauliflower and corn mitochondria, found that the mitochondrial ATPase activities were impaired by oligomycin to varying extents depending on their source and pretreatment. In accordance with the latter authors, our own experience has shown that the ATPases in sonicated mitochondria of wheat and maize seedlings are little affected by oligomycin (11). Investigations reported in the present communication indicate that ATPases from sonicated mitochondria are markedly different, not only with respect to oligomycin inhibition, but also regarding molecular weights and cold lability, depending on whether they are derived from dicotyledonous or monocytoledonous plants. from winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) and corn (Zea mays, L.) were grown on moist paper toweling in covered plastic containers at 27 C for 3 days. Seeds were previously surfacesterilized by submersion in 1% Na-hypochlorite for 15 min and rinsed thoroughly with distilled H20. Endosperm and seedlings of castor bean (Ricinus communis var. Zanzibarensis, L.) and hypocotyls and cotyledons of scarlet runner (Phaseolus coccineus, L.) were harvested after 4 to 5 days from seeds treated in the same way. Sprouts raised from shallot bulbs (Allium cepa, L.) were cut after 6 days of growth at 27 C. Calla plants (Zantedeschia aethiopica, Spreng.) were purchased from a local market and their spadices processes as descri...