Solar energy promises a viable solution to meet the ever-increasing power demand by providing a clean, renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels. For solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV), hightemperature absorbers and emitters with strong spectral selectivity are imperative to efficiently couple solar radiation into photovoltaic cells. Here, we demonstrate refractory metasurfaces for STPV with tailored absorptance and emittance characterized by in-situ high-temperature measurements, featuring thermal stability up to at least 1200 ºC. Our tungsten-based metasurface absorbers have close-to-unity absorption from visible to near infrared and strongly suppressed emission at longer wavelengths, while our metasurface emitters provide wavelength-selective emission spectrally matched to the band-edge of InGaAsSb photovoltaic cells. The projected overall STPV efficiency is as high as 18% when employing a fully integrated absorber/emitter metasurface structure, much higher than those achievable by stand-alone PV cells. Our work opens a path forward for high-performance STPV systems based on refractory metasurface structures.3 TEXT Photovoltaics (PV) 1 directly convert sunlight to electricity using semiconductor PV cells, and have been the most prevalent solar energy-harvesting technology. Despite the development over the past few decades, the efficiency of state-of-the-art, single-junction PV cells is still far below the fundamental limit predicted by Shockley and Queisser 2 , which is dictated mainly by energy losses due to below-bandgap photons and hot-carrier thermalization, owing to the broad distribution of the solar spectrum. To minimize these losses, numerous novel PV device concepts have been proposed and realized 3-7 . While they indeed improve the PV efficiency to some extent, they all suffer from their own respective problems, including high manufacturing cost, complex device fabrication processes, as well as material instability and degradation. Solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV) 8, 9 represent a promising alternative to traditional photovoltaics for solar energy harvesting, where an absorber/emitter intermediate structure first absorbs the incoming sunlight, heats up, and then emits thermal photons towards the PV cell to excite charge carriers for power generation. An ideal STPV system has a solar-to-electric energy conversion efficiency much higher than that of a stand-alone PV cell, as a carefully designed STPV intermediate structure can fully capture the incident sunlight and convert it into narrowband thermal emission right above the bandgap of the PV cell 10 . It has been theoretically shown that the STPV efficiency could significantly surpass the aforementioned Shockley-Queisser limit, reaching 85% and 54% under fully concentrated and unconcentrated solar radiation, respectively 11 .Recently, several proof-of-concept STPV experiments have been reported employing various absorber/emitter intermediate structures [12][13][14][15][16] , including multi-walled carbon nanotubes, photonic crystals (PhCs), and two-d...