To unravel the interplay between the strong electronic correlation and itinerant-localized dual nature in atypical f electron systems, we employed the density functional theory in combination with the single-site dynamical mean-field theory to systematically investigate the electronic structures of CeSb and USb. We find that the 4 f states in CeSb are mostly localized which show a weak quasi-particle resonance peak near the Fermi level. Conversely, the 5 f electrons in USb display partially itinerant feature, accompanied by mixed-valence behavior and prominent valence state fluctuations. Particularly, the 4 f electronic correlations in CeSb are distinctly orbital-selective with strikingly renormalized 4 f 5/2 states, according to the low-energy behaviors of 4 f selfenergy functions. It is believed that the strong electronic correlation and fantastic bonding of f states contribute to elucidate the fascinating magnetism. arXiv:1912.10720v1 [cond-mat.str-el]