The Ca 2+-independent phospholipases, designated as group VI iPLA 2 s, also referred to as PNPLAs due to their shared homology with patatin, include the β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, and η forms of the enzyme. The iPLA 2 s are ubiquitously expressed, share a consensus GXSXG catalytic motif, and exhibit organelle/cell-specific localization. Among the iPLA 2 s, iPLA 2 β has received wide attention as it is recognized to be involved in membrane remodeling, cell proliferation, cell death, and signal transduction. Ongoing studies implicate participation of iPLA 2 β in a variety of disease processes including cancer, cardiovascular abnormalities, glaucoma, and peridonditis. This review will focus on iPLA 2 β and its links to male fertility, neurological disorders, metabolic disorders, and inflammation.