In this work we perform direct single-shot readout of the singlet-triplet states in exchange coupled electrons confined to precision-placed donor atoms in silicon. Our method takes advantage of the large energy splitting given by the Pauli-spin blockaded (2,0) triplet states, from which we can achieve a singleshot readout fidelity of 98.4 AE 0.2%. We measure the triplet-minus relaxation time to be of the order 3 s at 2.5 T and observe its predicted decrease as a function of magnetic field, reaching 0.5 s at 1 T. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.046802 An increased ability to control and manipulate quantum systems is driving the field of quantum computation forward [1][2][3][4]. The spin of a single electron in the solid state has long been utilized in this context [5][6][7][8][9][10][11], providing a superbly clean quantum system with two orthogonal quantum states that can be measured with over 99% fidelity [12]. As a natural next step, the coupling of two electrons at separate sites has been studied in gate-defined quantum dots [5,13,14], as well as in donor systems [15][16][17]. In addition to being the eigenstates for two coupled spins, the singlet-triplet (ST) states of two electrons can form a qubit subspace, and have previously been utilized for quantum information processing [6,[18][19][20][21][22]. Unlike in gate-defined quantum dots, donor systems do not require electrodes to confine electrons. The resulting decrease in physical complexity makes donor nanodevices very appealing for scaling up to many electron sites [15].In the (1,1) charge configuration the ST states are eigenstates if the exchange coupling is greater than any difference in Zeeman energy between the two spins. The singlet and three triplet states are split only by the Zeeman energy in the cases of jT þ i ¼ j↑↑i and jT − i ¼ j↓↓i, and an exchange energy, J, for the singlet jSi ¼ ðj↑↓i − j↓↑iÞ= ffiffi ffi 2 p and jT 0 i ¼ ðj↑↓i þ j↓↑iÞ= ffiffi ffi 2 p states. However, in the (2,0) configuration all triplet states split from the singlet jSð2; 0Þi by a larger exchange interaction, Δ ST , measured in previous works to be > 5 meV for donors [23]. The triplet states are therefore blocked from tunneling from the ð1; 1Þ → ð2; 0Þ charge configuration, known as Pauli spin blockade.Typically, direct ST readout is performed by charge discrimination between the (1,1) and (2,0) states below the ST energy splitting Δ ST . However, this relies on the charge sensor having a large enough differential capacitive coupling to each dot to discriminate between the two charge states. This is not possible in some architectures due to symmetry constraints, in particular, for donors it is advantageous for multiple donor sites to be coupled equally to a charge sensor for independent readout and/or loading. The tightly confined electron wave function at each donor site therefore necessitates that they are equidistant from the charge sensor. As a consequence ð1; 1Þ ↔ ð2; 0Þ charge transfer signals are often too small to detect directly in this architecture.Until now s...