Characterization of the target search dynamics of DNA-binding proteins along DNA has been hampered by the time resolution of a standard single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. Here, we achieved the time resolution of 0.5 ms in the fluorescence microscopy measurements by optimizing the fluorescence excitation based on critical angle illumination and by utilizing the time delay integration mode of the electron-multiplying charge coupled device. We characterized the target search dynamics of the tumor suppressor p53 along nonspecific DNA at physiological salt concentrations. We identified a short-lived encounter intermediate before the formation of the longlived p53-DNA complex. Both the jumps and the one-dimensional diffusion of p53 along DNA were accelerated at higher salt concentrations, suggesting the rotation-uncoupled movement of p53 along DNA grooves and conformational changes in the p53/DNA complex. This method can be used to clarify the unresolved dynamics of DNA-binding proteins previously hidden by time averaging. Sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins bind to their respective target DNAs accurately and quickly and participate in the control and maintenance of cellular functions. To facilitate the search for target sequences among enormous lengths of DNA, these proteins utilize a strategy called facilitated diffusion, which involves a combination of various dynamics, such as one-dimensional (1D) diffusion and jumping along nontarget DNA, three dimensional (3D) diffusion between two separated sites of DNA, and intersegmental transfer at the contact points of two DNA strands 1-6. Inhibiting the search for and binding to the target DNA by these proteins will lead to insufficient control of cell functions, which could result in disease 7,8. The prevailing method for the characterization of the target search dynamics of sequence-specific DNAbinding proteins is single-molecule fluorescence microscopy in combination with tethering and stretching of DNA on the surface of flow cells 9-15. Typically, DNA-binding proteins labeled with a fluorescent dye or a quantum dot are introduced into the flow cell, allowed to interact with the stretched DNA, and excited selectively by highly inclined and laminated optical sheet (HILO) illumination or by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF). Fluorescent spots from single proteins are sequentially tracked using imaging detectors, such as electron-multiplying charge coupled devices (EM-CCDs), enabling the characterization of their target search dynamics. The time resolution of the method is determined by two factors. First, detection of fluorescent molecules at a spatial resolution of ~ 40 nm requires the collection of at least 50 photons, which in turn requires a certain period of data accumulation and sets the time resolution. Second, the frame rate of the imaging detectors (typically 10-50/s) also sets the time resolution. The shortest reported time resolution for localization of DNA-binding proteins along stretched DNA is 8 ms at a spatial resolution of 22-42 nm 16. ...