Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) consisting of the triad: ectopic posterior pituitary (EPP), thin or absent pituitary stalk and anterior pituitary hypoplasia is a rare pituitary malformation with variable degrees of pituitary insufficiency, from isolated growth hormone deficiency to TSH, gonadotropin and ACTH deficiency which may occur in time, with normo, hyper or hypoprolactinemia and central diabetes insipidus in up to 10% of cases. Also, extrapituitary malformations have been described in some cases. Genetic defects were identified only in 5% of cases. MRI findings are considered predictive for the endocrine phenotype. We aim to describe two cases with PSIS without central diabetes insipidus, anosmia and extrapituitary malformations, except for minor head dysmorphic features. The first case was referred at the age of 4 years for short stature (-4SDS for height, bone age 2 years), diagnosed with severe GH deficiency and developed central hypothyroidism and hypoprolactinemia during five-years follow-up. The second case, a 26 year old male with birth asphyxia, cryptorchidism, poor growth in childhood and adolescence (-3 to-4 height SDS), absent puberty and normal adult height (-1.18 SDS; bone age 15.5 years and active growth plates) had GH, TSH, ACTH deficiency and low normal PRL levels. Increasing medical awareness on PSIS clinical and endocrine heterogeneity may help a more early and accurate diagnosis. Corroboration of neuroimaging and endocrine data will improve our knowledge and understanding and will create premises for molecular diagnosis, genetic counseling and a better patients' management.