Article citation info: (*) Tekst artykułu w polskiej wersji językowej dostępny w elektronicznym wydaniu kwartalnika na stronie the framework of the ECO Mobility project. This project has not yet been implemented for transport applications but has nevertheless been tested on a test track for scale vehicles. A fragment of track in scale was recently presented at the Hannover Fair at the SciTech Poland "scientific" Polish stand [7,28].The already mentioned power supply is a contactless, dynamic power system, which means that it can deliver energy to the vehicle in motion as opposed to stationary systems where energy is delivered only when the vehicle is stationary. The drive motor is a linear induction motor. This system solution illustrates one of the many possibilities that can be applied to the driving and powering of this type of vehicle. The power supply can also be made as a contact one with power points at parking places. Propulsion motors can be made as brushless, induction and wheeled or as central units. On the other hand, the contactless power supply has the advantage of being a safe system [23,30]. The supply energy is transmitted inductively from the primary winding distributed along the track -similarly to the third rail in the metro. The fundamental difference between the contact supply by means of the third rail and the contactless induction is that the contact rail "power" is isolated and thus safe.