Summary Three callus lines from 3 Allium fistulosum L. cultivars (Kaori, Fresh, Wede) and their regenerated plantlets were examined to elucidate the relationship between chromosomal aberration and morphogenetic capacity. In these callus lines, 9 karyotypes that were altered numerically and/or structurally were found in addition to the normal diploid karyotype (type S) identical to that of the mother plant. Structurally changed karyotypes occurred as a result of deletions and/or translocations. Of these, the occurrence of dicentric chromosomes arising through deletions and translocations between 2 al chromosomes was high. In regenerated plantlets from the callus lines, 3 structurally and/or numerically altered karyotypes were found in addition to the type S karyotype. Plantlets regenerated from callus cells were induced via shoot formation and subsequent root formation.The original habitat of the welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) is known to be western China or Siberia, and it is one of the major vegetable crops cultivated in many countries because it is both cold-and heat-tolerant. Tissue culture of Allium species has mainly been done by regenerating plants from calli, protoplasts and meristemetic tissues of A. cepa (Lu et al. 1989, Fellner and