time delay of individual stages according to the tuning voltage variation. Finally, a source follower buffer stage is used for matching purpose in the measurement.
MEASUREMENT RESULTSThe RO ILFD was fabricated in a commercial 0.13 lm Si RFCMOS technology. Figure 3 shows the layout and chip photo of the fabricated circuit. The total chip size including DC and RF pads is 0.52 mm  0.46 mm, whereas the core area occupies only 0.1 mm  0.08 mm. On-wafer probing was carried out with all the losses from the probes, cables, connectors, and bias-T carefully calibrated and accounted for.At the absence of the input signal, the free-running frequency of the ILFD was varied from 8.85 to 9.67 GHz with the varactor bias tuning of 0-1.5 V. The circuit consumes DC power of 13 mW with 1.5 V supply voltage including the buffer. The locking was achieved with a signal injection from a HP 8565E signal generator. The free-running and locked output spectra are compared in Figure 4, showing a significantly improved phase noise with the signal injection, indicating proper signal locking achieved. The measured input sensitivity curves at two varactor tuning voltages (V tune ¼ 0 V and 1.5 V) are shown in Figure 5. The plot shows a locking range of 7.5 GHz (20.8-28.3 GHz, 30.5%) with V tune ¼ 1.5 V at the input power of 0 dBm. A similar locking range of 6.7 GHz (24.1-30.8 GHz, 24.4%) was achieved with V tune ¼ 0 V, leading to the total operating range of 10 GHz (20.8-30.8 GHz, 38.8%). The performance of the present ILFD is compared with previously published divide-by-3 ILFDs in Table 1. To the authors' best knowledge, the locking range of 30.5% is the largest for any reported divide-by-3 ILFD operating beyond 10 GHz including the LC ILFDs. Further, the chip area of the present design is only a fraction of those with the LC ILFDs when the core area is considered, a critical advantage as the area cost keeps rising. 4. CONCLUSIONS the simulation results. V C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53:845-848, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com.