of Master's Thesis, Submitted: Monday, September 14th, 2015: 30 GHz Switchable Waveguide Antenna A prototype for 60 GHz Wi-Fi The purpose of this thesis was to design an antenna for 60 GHz Wi-Fi protocol 802.11 ad. Due to high loss at this frequency, highly directional, narrow beam antennas are required. Therefore, for WLAN applications where hemispherical coverage is required, a multi-antenna-element solution is required. In response to these requirements, a switchable waveguide structure was built by combining substrate integrated waveguide technology with controllable reflectors. Prototypes were designed and manufactured at 30 GHz to test this new technology. Prototypes included 1-way, 2-way and 4-way switchable waveguide variations. Measured results are in line with initial design targets and simulation results. i THE TEAM Figure 1: The Team -from left to right: Peter Frank, Joel Hadden, Jim Wight, Roland Smith ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSA big thanks goes out to the three gentleman in the picture above who's contributions to this project are too many to mention here. Without them, this would not have been possible.A big thanks the following people in no particular order who really came through for me during crunch time.