The Brookhaven AGS third integer resonant extraction system allows the AGS to provide high quality, high intensity 25.5 GeVlc proton beams simultaneously to four target stations and as many as 8 experiments. With the increasing intensities (over 7 x 1013 protons/pulse) and associated longer spill periods (2.4 to 3 seconds long), we continue to run with low losses and high quality low modulation continuous current beams. We have an active program of high energy physics experiments, including the high precision measurement of the muons magnetic moment [l] and the discovery of the rare Kaon decay, K+ 4 T + vii [2] This program is continuing into the future with the rare symmetry violating process experiments [3] currently being designed to operate at the AGS. In this paper we will present results from operation of high intensity slow extraction, the problems we encounter, and our solutions to those problems.