for the kind support and advice. I would like to thank all the great people I work with in Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore. I would like to thank Prof. Deming Chen for taking me into this world-class research team to pursue valuable research goals. I would like to thank all the teammates, Swathi Gurumani, Hongbin Zheng, Nguyen Quoc Duy Tan and Augustine Koh for their kind help and the fruitful collaboration. Meanwhile, I would like to thank all my past and present friends and colleagues in the Hardware and Embedded Systems Lab in Nanyang Technological University for making our days in Singapore much more interesting.Finally, with all of my heart, I wish to express my eternal gratitude to my family for their everlasting encouragement, consolation, understanding and selfless devotion. I want to thank my parents, Wang Mingying (王明瑛) and Yang Shunhe (杨顺和), for your endless love throughout my whole life and the huge support that backs me up when I cannot physically take care of Wanxin and Shaxi. You are the source of everything I become. I would like to thank my wife, Wang Wanxin (王万新), for sharing your whole life and faith with me, and bringing our baby to this world with all you have. It is my greatest blessing to have you as my beloved. I would like to thank my daughter, Yang Shaxi (杨沙溪), for coming into my life as the greatest gift ever and opening a new era of my life.