atomic weight of fission target material assay result [g, g/L] bias corrected assay value estimate of assay result atomic weight of isotope i in the fission target material interpolated assay result coefficient for isotope i for assay of a mixture of isotopes estimated background counts during an assay = Bf,(TJt b) background counts during a count time fy background count rate from delayed-neutron detector [s" 1 ] parameters in the bias correction function background count rate from flux monitor [s~l] total counts (signal plus background) counts in the delayed-neutron detectors during an assay counts in the flux monitor detectors during an assay counts from the delayed-neutron detectors during shuffle k counts in the flux monitor detectors during shuffle k 252 Cf decay correction factor xi SHUFFLER INSTRUMENTS FOR THE NONDESTRUCTIVE ASSAY OF FISSILE MATERIALS