Considering the actual world economical trends, one of the most important questions is now and in the future: how to reduce power consumption of electronic systems. Since the invention of computers, the electrical energy consumption step by step increased. Now when not only computers, but electric vehicles, robots, automation, and unmanned aerial vehicles play a very important role of our life, the main problem of system designers is how to reduce energy consumption in these systems. But also the existing already working systems must be revised in order to decrease their electric power consumption. The importance of this subject (energy control) shows that a huge number of research publications and survey papers deal with it. Just focusing on the last one or two years (2021 and 2022) the search hit 221000 titles (103000 hits only in 2022). Analyzing all the research areas is almost impossible, but focusing on some important research subjects, where one of the main topic is “energy saving methods” can give an overview about the subject. The paper focuses on the area of industrial robotic systems, electric vehicles, and embedded systems.