DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2013-051065
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High levels of unprotected anal intercourse and never testing for HIV among men who have sex with men in Nigeria: evidence from a cross-sectional survey for the need for innovative approaches to HIV prevention

Abstract: HIV testing is low and associated with UAI. Findings merit targeted and innovative approaches for HIV prevention for MSM, especially access to HIV self-testing. Attention to social and structural determinants of health-seeking and sexual risk behaviour is also needed, including the criminalisation of homosexuality and social marginalisation of MSM.

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Cited by 35 publications
(35 citation statements)
References 25 publications
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“…Individual risks include unprotected anal intercourse, high numbers of sexual partners and the presence of other STIs. Unprotected anal intercourse at last sex was reported by 43.4% of MSM enrolled in a cross-sectional survey conducted in three cities in Nigeria and by 57% of MSM in a study conducted in Douala, Cameroon [44,45], underscoring the high levels of risky behavior among these men. At the sexual network level, studies from Senegal and Nigeria have documented a substantial percentage of MSM who report having both male and female concurrent sex partners [8,46].…”
Section: Concentrated Epidemicsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Individual risks include unprotected anal intercourse, high numbers of sexual partners and the presence of other STIs. Unprotected anal intercourse at last sex was reported by 43.4% of MSM enrolled in a cross-sectional survey conducted in three cities in Nigeria and by 57% of MSM in a study conducted in Douala, Cameroon [44,45], underscoring the high levels of risky behavior among these men. At the sexual network level, studies from Senegal and Nigeria have documented a substantial percentage of MSM who report having both male and female concurrent sex partners [8,46].…”
Section: Concentrated Epidemicsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Bisexual concurrency may establish a bridge between male and female sexual networks and have implications for HIV transmission in the general population [47,48]. Furthermore, in some contexts, 25–50% of MSM engage in sex work based on recent studies in Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal [4,5,7,44,49], which may increase their vulnerability to HIV infection. The presence of bacterial STIs constitutes biological factors that may exacerbate risk of HIV infection and transmission [50].…”
Section: Concentrated Epidemicsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In Nigeria, Sheehy et al [41•] found that MSMW reported frequent unprotected sex with both men and women. And, Vu, Andrinopoulos, Tun and Adebajo [42] found that MSM in Nigeria who identified as heterosexual or bisexual were more likely to report UAI than gayidentified MSM.…”
Section: Drivers Of Risk In Msm Local Environmentsmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Even basic services such as HIV testing have low uptake among MSM. In Kendall et al's [16] study in Angola for instance, 61.3 % of participants had never tested for HIV, while Vu et al [42] found that 45.1 % of their participants in Nigeria had never tested. In a study conducted in Cape Town, South Africa, Baral et al [56] found that only 6 % of HIVpositive MSM participants knew their HIV status.…”
Section: Hiv Prevention Interventions For Msm and Male Sex Workers Inmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…These bear witness to varying programmatic needs. Vu and colleagues describe low levels of HIV testing, high levels of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) and substantial bridging to the heterosexual population among MSM living in three major Nigerian cities 4. Prestage and colleagues5 explore the implications of age difference among Australian MSM, pointing out that although age differences do not seem to affect overall risk, younger men are more likely to take the receptive position in age discrepant partnerships.…”
confidence: 99%