The design of high-lift systems represents a challenging task within the aerospace community, being a multidisciplinary, multi-objective and multi-point problem. The DeSiReH (Design, Simulation and Flight Reynolds Number Testing for Advanced High-Lift Solution) project, funded by European Commission under the 7th Framework Program, aimed at improving the aerodynamics of high-lift systems by developing, in a coordinated approach, both efficient numerical design strategies and measurement techniques for cryogenic conditions. Within DeSiReH, different partners used several numerical automatic optimization strategies for high-lift system design purposes. A realistic multi-objective and multi-point optimization problem was defined and solved by adopting different flow models dimensionality, meshing techniques, geometry parameterization and optimization strategies. Special attention was devoted to perform a fair comparison of the results and useful information were obtained about trends, pros and cons of the approaches used. The outcome of these activities is that an efficient design