A numerical simulation method for a supersonic chemical oxygen-iodine laser is developed. The model is a combination of a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics code without kinetics and a detailed onedimensional, multiple-leaky-stream-tubes kinetics code. In the proposed method, the detailed flowfield characteristic is calculated by solving a full Navier-Stokes equation that does not involve chemical reactions, and the resultant temperature, velocity, and mixing characteristics are input to the kinetics code as its boundary conditions. A "nonuniform coefficient" is introduced to transform the fluid-dynamic mixing to the diffusive mixing term of the kinetics code. As a result, precise predictions of the gain distribution and laser output are given with a reasonable computational cost. The developed model is applied to the X-wing-type supersonic mixing chemical oxygen-iodine laser, which we have developed, and the calculated gain and output power are compared with the experimental results. The excellent agreements of calculated and experimental results show the validity of the developed method. Nomenclature C 2 g = rate constant of the gth second order reaction C 3 h = rate constant of the hth third order reaction D a = artificial diffusion coefficient k = fitting parameter of the artificial diffusion constant M i = number density of the ith species n = number of primary flow layers and secondary flow layers n p = photon density P = optical power T = temperature of the active medium v = gas velocity x = coordinate lateral to the main flow (parallel to the optical axis) y = vertical coordinate z = coordinate to the main-flow direction = nonuniform coefficient I = iodine molar fraction