Compound-specific carbon isotopic (013C and !J.14C) data are reported for lipid biomarkers isolated from Santa Monica Basin (SMB) and Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) surface sediments. These organic compounds represent phytoplanktonic, zooplanktonic, bacterial, archaeal, terrestrial, and fossil carbon sources. The lipids include long-chain n-alkanes, fatty acids (as FAMEs), n-alcohols, C 30 mid-chain ketols and diols, sterols, hopanols, and ether-linked C4o-biphytanes of Archaea.The data show that the carbon source for most of the biomarkers is marine euphotic zone primary production or subsequent heterotrophic consumption of this biomass. Two lipid classes represent exceptions to this finding. !J.14C values for the n-alkanes are consistent with mixed fossil and contemporary terrestrial plant sources.The archaeal isoprenoid data reflect chemoautotrophic growth below the euphotic zone.The biomarker class most clearly representing marine phytoplanktonic production is the sterols. It is suggested, therefore, that the sterols could serve as paleoceanographic tracers for surface-water DIC.The isotopic data are used to construct two algebraic models. The first calculates the contributions of fossil and modem vascular plant carbon to 5MB n-alkanes. This model indicates that the !J.14C of the modern component is +235%0 (post-bomb) or 0%0 (pre-bomb). The second model uses these values to determine the origin of sedimentary TOe. The results are comparable to estimates based on other approaches and suggest that -60% of 5MB TOC is of marine origin, modern terrestrial and fossil sources contribute -10% each, and the remaining -20% is of unknown origin.iii For all of our mothers.iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS