Earth-surface-process studies span a vast range of physical landscape settings across deserts, mountains, rivers, coasts, and the cryosphere (Figure 1), and today anthropogenically induced climate change is affecting virtually all of these. Future warming will increasingly impact the geomorphic and sedimentary evolution of essentially all terrestrial and nearshore settings. Anthropogenic influence on Earth's climate has been distinctly evident for only a little over 50 years, since the anomalous global warming signal clearly diverged from natural climate variability around 1970; human influence now dominates strongly over natural solar and volcanic climate effects (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2014(IPCC, , 2021. Tying physical landscape responses to climate change over any time scale is notoriously difficult due to intrinsic and often highly dynamic natural variability of landscapes, multiple modes of climate variability, and human modification of Earth's surface. Can we identify geomorphic effects of recent, ongoing warming over the last five decades? How will future climate change continue to alter landscape processes? These questions must be answered for societies to prepare appropriately for future, climate-driven hazards to human health and safety, risks to the built environment, security of water-foodenergy systems, consequences to economies, and the preservation of ecosystems and other natural resources. Some landscape responses follow directly from global warming-for example, permafrost thaw, glacier retreat, or thermal rock stresses that result from increasing temperatures (Figure 2)-whereas other landscape responses are secondary, such as shifting coastal position due to sea-level rise and/or sediment-supply changes, or responses to a changing hydrologic cycle. These responses, in turn, alter the movement of geologic and geochemical materials Abstract Today, climate change is affecting virtually all terrestrial and nearshore settings. This commentary discusses the challenges of measuring climate-driven physical landscape responses to modern global warming: short and incomplete data records, land use and seismicity masking climatic effects, biases in data availability and resolution, and signal attenuation in sedimentary systems. We identify opportunities to learn from historical and paleo data, select especially sensitive study sites, and report null results to better characterize the extent and nuances of climate-change effects. We then discuss efforts to improve attribution practices, which will lead to better predictive capabilities. We encourage the Earth-science community to prioritize scientific research on climate-driven physical landscape changes so that societies will be better prepared to manage the effects on health and safety, infrastructure, water-food-energy security, economics, and ecosystems that follow from climate-driven physical landscape change.Plain Language Summary Modern global warming will ultimately affect physical landscape processes virtually everywhere on...