Modern GPU architectures are characterised by an abundance of compute capability relative to memory bandwidth. This makes them very well-suited to solving temporally explicit and spatially compact discretisations of hyperbolic conservation laws. However, classical pressure-projection-based incompressible Navier–Stokes formulations do not fall into this category. One attractive formulation for solving incompressible problems on modern hardware is the method of artificial compressibility. When combined with explicit dual time stepping and a high-order Flux Reconstruction discretisation, the majority of operations can be cast as arithmetically intensive matrix–matrix multiplications that are well-suited for GPUs. In this seminar, I will present the high-order cross-platform incompressible Navier–Stokes solver in PyFR, together with three explicit convergence acceleration techniques: a polynomial multigrid, a novel locally adaptive pseudo-time stepping approach and novel stability-optimised Runge-Kutta schemes. The solver and the convergence acceleration techniques are validated for a range of turbulent test cases, including a simulation of the DARPA SUBOFF submarine model using hundreds of NVIDIA GPUs.