Coherent soft x-ray (SXR) sources enable fundamental studies in the important water window spectral region. Until now, such sources have been limited to repetition rates of 1 kHz or less, which limits count rates and signal-to-noise ratio for a variety of experiments. SXR generation at high repetition rate has remained challenging because of the missing high-power mid-infrared (mid-IR) laser sources to drive the high-harmonic generation (HHG) process. Here we present a mid-IR optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA) centered at a wavelength of 2.2 µm and generating 16.5-fs pulses (2.2 oscillation cycles of the carrier wave) with 25 W of average power and a peak power exceeding 14 GW at 100-kHz pulse repetition rate. This corresponds to the highest reported peak power for high-repetition-rate mid-IR laser systems. The output of this 2.2-µm OPCPA system was used to generate a SXR continuum extending beyond 0.6 keV through HHG in a high-pressure gas cell.
MainProgress in laser technology has enabled rapid development in attosecond science which led to many scientific discoveries [1,2]. Further advances in attosecond science are closely linked to high-harmonic generation (HHG) sources [3,4], and therefore to state-of-the-art laser systems to drive the HHG process into new performance frontiers. Specifically, there is currently great interest in scaling HHG sources to parameters beyond those available in conventional Ti:sapphire amplifier driven beamlines, in particular to higher photon energies and higher repetition rates. Photon energies extending up to 1.6 keV were generated at 20 Hz repetition rate [5]. Recently, multiple research groups have developed 1-kHz laser sources capable of producing coherent soft x-ray (SXR) radiation spanning up to the oxygen K-edge at 543 eV [6][7][8]. Such high-photon-energy sources are interesting for a variety of spectroscopic studies since core electrons can be accessed directly. For example, this enables direct probing of biological molecules in aqueous solutions [9], tracking of electronic, vibrational and rotational [10] as well as magnetization dynamics [8]. Furthermore, the high photon energies allow for the shortest probe pulses ever produced [11]. On the other hand, high repetition rates are especially important for applications limited by space-charge effects, such as the investigation of photoemission delays from surfaces [12,13]. The coherent SXR radiation in the above examples is generated via HHG. At a given intensity I and carrier wavelength λ, the maximum energy of the generated photons scales with ~I·λ 2 of the driving laser field [14]. Thus, to obtain a high-energy cut-off without excessive ionization of the target, which would prevent phasematching, mid-IR driving lasers are required. Longer driving wavelengths also give rise to higher phasematching pressures, which increases the number of potential emitters [15]. On the other hand, the singleatom yield drops rapidly with wavelength, with a scaling of around ~λ -5.5 for a fixed energy interval [16]. This ...