Me(L)] + (L ) MeCN (4 + ) or THF (5 + )). For comparison the neutral tantalum derivatives Ta(N t Bu)(N 2 N py )R (R ) Me (6) or η 1 -allyl (7)) were synthesized by reaction of Ta(N t Bu)(N 2 N py )Cl(py) with MeLi or (allyl)MgCl. Compound 6, valence isoelectronic with 2 + , was crystallographically characterized. Although both 2 + and 6 possess trigonal bipyramidal geometries at the metal, the methyl ligand in 2 + lies in the equatorial plane (with NPh trans to pyridyl), whereas in 6 the opposite arrangement of methyl and imido ligands is found. Reaction of 1 with 0.5 equiv of BAr F 3 gave the fluxional Me-bridged cation [{W(NPh)(N 2 N py )Me} 2 (µ-Me)] + (8 + ); 8 + was also formed by direct reaction of 1 with 2 + . The methyl cation 2 + underwent facile methyl group exchange with Cp 2 ZrMe 2 and ZnMe 2 as established by spin saturation transfer and deuterium labeling studies. Although a stable intermediate was not spectroscopically observed for either reaction, for the latter case a likely adduct was identified by DFT calculations on a model system and features coordination of Zn to the imido nitrogen and a Zn-Me‚‚‚W interaction. Reaction of 2 + with AlMe 3 formed [W{MeC(2-C 5 H 4 NAlMe)(CHNSiMe 3 )(CH 2 NSiMe 3 )}(µ-NPh)Me 2 ] + (9 + ) and CH 4 by deprotonation of a CH 2 linkage of N 2 N py . DFT (B3PW91) calculations on model systems of the type M(NR){HC(2-C 5 H 4 N)(CH 2 SiH 3 ) 2 }(X) (X ) Cl, Me) showed that there is an unambiguous electronic preference for the imido ligand to lie trans to the pyridyl nitrogen. This geometry allows optimal π-donation from the imido and the amido nitrogen atoms. Inclusion of the steric bulk of the SiMe 3 groups and the R group (Ph or t Bu) on the imido ligand through ONIOM(B3PW91:UFF) calculations showed that the underlying electronic preference for the imido ligand to be trans to pyridyl can be reversed because of increased steric repulsions between the imido and amido N-substituents in this isomer. These cause a misdirection of the amido lone pair π-donation, which in turn destabilizes the metal-imido ligand π-bonding.