1Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) for reaching have enjoyed continued performance 2improvements. Yet there remains significant need for locomotor BMIs (e.g., for wheelchair 3 control), which could potentially benefit a much larger patient population. Fewer studies have 4 addressed this need, and the most effective approach remains undetermined. Here, we develop 5 a locomotor BMI based on cortical activity as monkeys cycle a hand-held pedal to progress 6 along a virtual track. Unlike most reach-based BMIs, we did not directly map neural states to 7 commanded velocity or position. Instead, we leveraged features of the neural population 8 response that were robust during rhythmic cycling. These included an overall shift in neural 9 state when moving, and rotational trajectories with direction-specific paths. We used nonlinear 10 means to infer kinematics from these features. Online BMI-control success rates approached 11 those during manual control. Our results illustrate that different use-cases can require very 12 different approaches to guiding a prosthetic via neural activity. 13 14 Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) interpret neural activity and provide control signals to external 15 devices such as computers and prosthetic limbs. Intracortical BMIs for reach-like tasks have 16 proved successful in primates and human clinical trials 1-8 . More widespread use appears 17imminent. Yet at the same time, there exist non-reach-like movements whose restoration is 18 valuable to patients. For example, many patients could benefit from a BMI that controls 19 locomotion through their environment (e.g., movement of a wheelchair). Recent work has 20 demonstrated that this is feasible 9,10 . While locomotor BMIs can be guided by reach-inspired 21 decoding approaches, other viable strategies exist and remain unexplored. For example, it may 22A decoder that leveraged these dominant features provided excellent online control of virtual 71 locomotion. Success rates and acquisition times were very close to those achieved under manual 72 control. Almost no training or adaptation time was needed; the low-latency and accuracy of the 73 decoder were such that monkeys appeared to barely notice transitions from manual control to 74 BMI control. These results demonstrate the feasibility of BMI locomotion based on rhythmic 75 neural activity. More broadly, they establish that opportunistic decode strategies can work well 76 in non-reach-based scenarios, but that new applications require novel decode approaches that 77 respect the dominant structure of neural activity. 78 79 80 5
81Behavior 82We trained two monkeys (G and E) to rotate a hand-held pedal to move through a virtual 83 environment (Fig. 1). All motion was along a linear track -no steering was necessary. 84Consistent with this, a single pedal was cycled with the right arm only. Our goal when 85 decoding was to reconstruct the virtual motion produced by that single pedal. On each trial, a 86 target appeared in the distance. To acquire that target, monkeys produced virtual ve...