The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes in few displayed and inline equations. The occurrences of "n" character were inadvertently deleted.The corrected displayed and inline equations are presented below: 5th displayed equation, paragraph 10 under Discrete fracture network and functional setting 2nd, 3rd and 5th sentence, paragraph 11 under Discrete fracture network and functional settingThe last definition corresponds to imposing in a weak sense the conditions i∈I γ n,Σ i q f,i = 0 on Σ \ Σ 0 and γ n,Σ i q f,i = 0 on Σ i,N , i ∈ I , where γ n,Σ i is the normal trace operator on Σ i (tangent to Γ i ) with the normal oriented outward from Γ i , and using the extension of γ n,