The quantum well diode (QWD) performs a dual role, functioning both as an emitter and a detector due to its unique feature of spectral overlap between emission and detection spectra. This dual functionality positions QWDs as promising candidates in the realm of multifunctional sensors. Furthermore, the well-established maturity of optical fiber communication, grounded in its intrinsic property of total reflection, makes it an ideal transmission medium for QWD sensing signals. Leveraging the coexisting emission and detection capabilities of QWDs, we have constructed a sensing system in this article. This system utilizes a QWD, which is stimulated to emit light, with the emitted light traveling through a specified length of optical fiber. A specialized load-bearing film, featuring an aluminum membrane on its rear to act as a mirror and an object of known weight on its front, induces deformation in the film, thereby altering the characteristics of the reflected light. This modulated light is subsequently captured by the QWD via the optical fiber, enabling the computation of the weight of the object. In this article, the QWD's emission peak is around 522 nm, and its detection range extends from 370 to 530 nm. Furthermore, by employing the appropriate approach, integrating QWD with optical fibers can be extended to sensing and measuring various physical quantities such as temperature, solution concentration, wind speed, and more. The advantages of QWDs include cost-effectiveness, multifunctionality, portability, and environmental friendliness. This technology represents a promising avenue for sensor control in the era of the Internet of Things.