We reported the realization of a 174Yb+–113Cd+ bi-species Coulomb crystal comprising 174Yb+, a heavier ion, as coolant and verified the potential of applying a coolant ion with a greater mass than the clock ion to sympathetically cooled microwave frequency standard. The two species of massive ions stably trapped in a Paul trap make up this large two-component crystal. The 113Cd+ ions are trapped in the center, which reduces considerably RF heating and excess micro-motion to which the 113Cd+ ions are subjected. Under this scheme, the uncertainty due to the second-order Doppler effect is reduced to 5×10−16, which represents an order of magnitude improvement over sympathetic cooled 40Ca+–113Cd+ crystal. The second-order Zeeman frequency shift, which contributes the largest term of the systematic frequency shifts to the microwave ion frequency standard, is estimated to be as low as 7.133×10−13 corresponding to the low value of the operating magnetic field. The relevant AC Stark shift uncertainty is estimated to be 4×10−19. These results demonstrate that using a heavier coolant ion is far superior and confirm the feasibility of a sympathetic-cooled cadmium-ion microwave clock system employing a 174Yb+–113Cd+ bicrystal.