We systematically study the pump-wavelength dependence of terahertz pulse generation in thin-film spintronic THz emitters composed of a ferromagnetic Fe layer between adjacent nonmagnetic W and Pt layers. We find that the efficiency of THz generation is essentially flat for excitation by 150 fs pulses with center wavelengths ranging from 900 to 1500 nm, demonstrating that the spin current does not depend strongly on the pump photon energy. We show that the inclusion of dielectric overlayers of TiO 2 and SiO 2 , designed for a particular excitation wavelength, can enhance the terahertz emission by a factor of of up to two in field.
PACS numbers: Valid PACS appear hereTerahertz (THz) radiation is non-ionizing and, therefore, safe for many applications, ranging from microand macroscopic imaging and spectroscopy to wireless communication 1-4 . However, the spectroscopically interesting THz frequency band near 1 THz is not easily accessible. Electronic sources such as oscillators can only provide high (milliwatt) output levels up to a few 100 GHz 5 , while optical sources such as quantum cascade lasers are typically limited to frequencies >2 THz at room temperature 4,6 . To fill this "gap", considerable effort has been garnered towards sources capable of frequency mixing and optical rectification 7 , typically driven by femtosecond lasers.To date, most THz emitting materials have been found to be insulators or semiconductors 8 . Recently, THz emitters based on magnetic, metallic thin films have been demonstrated which emit THz radiation under illumination by femtosecond pulses 9-15 . We here focus on trilayer thin-film emitters formed from a ferromagnetic (FM) layer between two non-ferromagnetic (NM) layers. A two-step process is thought to generate THz radiation: 16 Upon excitation by the femtosecond pump pulse, an ultrashort out-of-plane spin current polarized along the FM magnetization is injected from the FM into the NM layers. Thereafter, the inverse spin Hall effect converts the laser-induced spin current into a transverse in-plane charge current within the NM layer which leads to the emission of a terahertz pulse into the optical farfield 16-18 .One of the most efficient films of this type 9 comprises W, CoFeB and Pt layers. Importantly, Pt and W feature a spin Hall angle of opposite sign, resulting in a constructive superposition of the two charge currents in these layers. The result is an ultrabroadband THz emitter, capable of delivering pulses spanning 0.1 to 30 THz. 9 a) rh522@exeter.ac.uk T i O 2 W C o F e B P t S a p p h i r e B P u m p T H z P u l s e y z x S i O 2 FIG. 1: Schematic of a spintronic trilayer with added dielectric cavity, grown on 0.5 mm of sapphire (Al 2 O 3 ).The near-infrared pump pulse, incident through the substrate, is partially absorbed in the metallic layers, launching a spin current from the ferromagnetic (FM) layer into the nonmagnetic (NM) layers. The inverse spin Hall effect converts this ultrashort out-of-plane spin current into an in-plane charge current resulting in the emis...