Studies on printable semiconductors and technologies have increased rapidly over recent decades, pioneering novel applications in many fields, such as energy, sensing, logic circuits, and information displays. The newest display technologies are already turning to metal oxide semiconductors, i.e., indium gallium zinc oxide, for the improvements needed to drive active matrix organic light-emitting diodes. Convenience and portability will be realized with flexible and wearable displays in the future. This report summarizes recent progress on the development of solution-processed thin film transistors, especially those deposited at low temperatures for next-generation flexible smart displays. The first part provides an overview on the history and current status of displays. Then, recent advances in state-of-the-art solution-processed transistors based on different semiconductors are presented, including metal oxides, organic materials, perovskites, and carbon nanotubes. Finally, conclusions are drawn and the remaining challenges and future perspectives are discussed. a large common cathode (opaque metal). This means that the light emission goes through the backplane and the TFT arrays are able to block the light, resulting in the reduced emission fill factor of the display. This mode is also called bottom emission. One effective way to avoid the light obstruction from TFTs in the backplane is to use top-emitting OLEDs, which have a transparent cathode. [2] In 2004, Pennsylvania State University demonstrated the first flexible phosphorescent AMOLED display with hydrogenated amorphous silicon on a 4 in. polyimide (PI) substrate. [7] One year later, a 48 Ă 48 organic pentacene TFT-driven AMOLED display on a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate was reported by the same group. [8] In 2005, by employing a top-emission structure, researchers at Sony Corp. demonstrated the first full-color imaging on a flexible AMOLED with a pixel resolution of 80 ppi. [9] In 2013, Samsung Electronics showed curved OLED TVs for the first time. Two years later, the same company unveiled a smartphone with a curved edge display (Galaxy S6 Edge), which used touch sensors to improve the user interface and device design. Most recently, LG Display succeeded in developing the world's first large-size 77 in. transparent and flexible OLED display, which could be rolled up to a radius of 80 mm. [10] The ideal flexible AMOLED backplane should be robust, rollable/bendable, capable of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) operation, and should lend itself to low-cost manufacturing. To advance toward next-generation flexible AMOLED displays, two key technological goals should be satisfied during fabrication. One is to develop TFT backplanes with good uniformity, stability, and electrical performance. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) TFTs are well known for their uniform electrical characteristics (” FE < 1 cm 2 V â1 s â1 and I on /I off > 10 6 ) and have achieved great success in flat-panel LCD displays. However, the relatively low ” FE and the lig...