Imbalances in these factors are sure for outbursting the waves thus causing natural disasters that adversely impact living beings. To ensure on-time prediction and timely alert regarding unexpected wave activities various technologies have been deployed. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] In fact, water wave monitoring is highly effective in weather forecasting, [3] Oceanography, [4] marine navigation, [5] aquaculture, [6] and exploring sea resources. [7] Currently, various technologies such as accelerometer buoys, [8] and more advanced technologies such as global positioning system, [9] underwater vehicles, [10] imaging techniques, [11] advanced sensor networks, [12] and permanent technologies such as surface water buoys, navigational buoys, drifter buoys are commonly employed. [13] However, these technologies require continuous external power for undisrupted operation, which is hard to manage in remote seashore areas. To date, energy alternatives such as photovoltaic panels, [14] and wind turbines [15] are being employed. However, these technologies are also suffering from daylight necessity and continuous wind blow requirements. In the same course, water kinetic energy is massive and widely distributed which is insensitive to the weather, seasons, and sunlight. Therefore, it's preferable to use low-cost, non-intrusive, reliable, scalable, self-powered, and autonomous systems that can survive for a long period in remote locations. As for sustainable and clean energy alternatives, research communities are highly focused on developing generators and self-powered sensors based on various transduction principles such as electromagnetic, [16] triboelectric, [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29] piezoelectric, [30] and the hybrid principle. [31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44] Hao et al. reported a 2D hybrid nanogenerator using electromagnetic generator (EMG) and TENG to collect the wave energy which can deliver a peak power of 14.9 mW. [36] The high-performance cylindrical pendulum-shaped TENG, [37] active resonance TENG, [38] a chaotic pendulum hybrid nanogenerator, [39] teeth board like hybrid generator, [40] spherical shaped generator, [24,41] packaged spheroidal shaped generator, [42] coupled TENG, [25] bifilar-pendulum assisted multilayer-structured TENG, [43] 3D full space hybrid