“…Besides, most of the evidence comes from Middle/Late 7,8,10,22,80,89,90 ), and Aeolian Arc Islands' volcanic products (compositional fields based on raw data from [85][86][87] ); (b) Nb/Y vs Zr/Y scatterplot of clasts' samples in relation to the fields occupied by the Roman, Tuscan and Campanian magmatic provinces (compositional fields edited from 80,89,90 ), and the Aeolian Arc Island's products (compositional fields based on raw data from [85][86][87] ); (c) Nb/Y vs Zr/Y scatterplot of clasts' samples in relation to the fields occupied by volcanic products of the Phlegraean Fields main eruptions (according to 82 ; compositional fields edited from 80,89,90 ), and Phlegraean-correlated products (pumices and scorias) of Ischia/Procida-Vivara (compositional fields based on raw data from 91,92 ); (d) Nb/Y vs Zr/Y scatterplot of clasts' samples in relation to the fields occupied by volcanic products of Somma-Vesuvius main pre-79CE eruptions (according to 93 , compositional fields edited from 80 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ Imperial high-patronaged constructions, such as the great monuments in Rome and in the main towns in the provinces 80,91,97,98 . Among them there is also Aquileia, as coarse pumices and lavas from the Phlegraean Fields and Somma-Vesuvius were used to lightweight the opus caementicium vaults of the Late Antique Baths of the town, which were probably built under the patronage of the Imperial family 55 .…”