An average laser output power as high as 5 kW has been produced from a TEA CO2 laser piunped with a new solid state exciter. The exciter providing a 1 00 J transfer energy consisted of a high voltage pulse generator and a two stage magnetic pulse compressor. A sophisticated discharge head was equipped with the corona preionization with acoustic dampers. A maximum average laser power of 4.6 kW was attained at a repetition rate of 550 Hz with an overall efficiency as high as 10.5%. A maximum repetition rate achieved was 1 .1 kHz. at which the corresponding laser output was 3 .4 kW. New TEA Co2 laser applications to material processing include organic material ablation. semiconductor material ablation. ceramic ablations and aluminum conductor line writing on aluminum nitride ceramic.
INTRODUCTIONA transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) CO2 laser [1] has been used in a number of scientific applications such as laser radar [2], the optical pumping source for mid-infrared [3][4][5] lasers, the energy driver for laser produced plasma [6], and laser isotope separation [7,8], because it can produce high energy pulses of submicrosecond duration with high efficiency.Compared with a continuous wave (cw) CO2 laser. which is one of the established high-power lasers and is used for a variety of industrial applications. a TEA CO2 laser is still under development. To promote the industrial applications of the TEA CO2 laser, developments of reliable machines with average laser powers of the multikilowatt class are essential.