Accelerator-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AB-BNCT) is establishing itself worldwide as the future modality to start the phase of in-hospital facilities. There are projects in Russia, UK, Italy, Japan, Israel and Argentina to develop AB-BNCT around different types of accelerators. In particular, the present status and recent progress of the Argentine project for the development of a Tandem-Electrostatic-Quadrupole (TESQ) accelerator is presented. Different working areas are treated: high-power ion sources, acceleration tubes, transport of intense beams, beam diagnostics, high-power targets, 9 Be(d,n) reaction as a possible neutron source and treatment room design. A complete test stand was built and commissioned for intense proton beam production and characterization. Beams of 10 to 30 mA have been produced and transported during variable periods of operation by means of a pre accelerator and an electrostatic quadrupole doublet to a suppressed Faraday cup. The beam diagnostics has been performed through the observation with digital cameras of induced fluorescence in the residual gas. A 200 kV TESQ accelerator prototype has been constructed and is under test and a 600 keV prototype is under construction. Self consistent space charge beam transport simulations have been performed and compared with experiments. In addition to the traditional 7 Li(p,n) reaction, 9 Be(d,n) using a thin Be target has been thoroughly studied as a candidate for a possible neutron source for deep seated tumors, showing a satisfactory performance. A treatment room complying with regulations has been designed. Finally we present advances in the development of a SinglePhoton Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) system for online dosimetry during a BNCT treatment.