High‐power microwave (HPM) sources are at the heart of an HPM‐directed energy weapons (DEWs) system. Based on recent defense news articles seen in online magazines such as
The Warzone
, it is becoming more and more apparent that in the future the survival of a nation may depend on its DEW capability.
This chapter provides a brief synopsis of a wide range of microwave tubes which are used for the generation of HPM signals. The chapter starts with a brief introduction on DEWs and their applications followed by a discussion on the basic building blocks of an HPM system. The sections that follow contain generalized physics of operation, frequency range, and output power capability of the following HPM tubes: magnetrons, backward wave oscillators (BWOs), klystrons, traveling wave tubes (TWTs), gyrotrons, virtual cathode oscillators (VCOs), magnetically insulated line oscillators (MILOs), transit time oscillators (TTOs), split cavity oscillators (SCOs), and reltrons. Of all the microwave tubes, the magnetron has been discussed in a little more detail because of its rich history. References have been provided for readers who wish to gain further knowledge in each area.