We report the first experimental verification of a gyrotwistron amplifier. The device utilized a single 9.858 0Hz, TED&z cavity, a heavily attenuated drift tube, and a long tapered output waveguide section. With a 440 kV, 200 -245 A, 1 ps electron beam and a sharply tapered axial magnetic field, peak powers above 21 MW were achieved with a gain near 24 dB. Performance was limited by competition from a fundamental TE&z mode. A multimode code was developed to analyze this system, and simulations were in good agreement with the experiment.PACS numbers: 85.10.Jz, 41.75.Ht Devices based on the cyclotron maser instability [1,2] have proven to be efficient, high power, high frequency rf sources (see, e. g. , [3]). Oscillator configurations in-