This paper presents the design, manufacturing and testing of a MEMS SP16T switch to be used in open loop reconfigurable antenna systems. It consists of the hybrid integration of #5 MEMS SP4T switches (realized on HR Silicon substrate) on a multilayer substrate. The bilayer structure allows one to avoid RF and DC signal crossovers that could degrade the switch performance. The device is provided with SMA connectors and Control Electronic Board to operate with standard 0-5V signals. A wideband device was developed, working from DC up to 10GHz. The switch has been designed using both circuital and full-wave EM models. The simulations are presented in comparison with the measured performance. The SP16T switch shows return and insertion loss better than 12dB and 3.2dB, isolation better than 24dB from 0 up to 10GHz. Tests on the actual antenna systems are on-going.