An improvedt ubular ultrasonic radiator wasp roposed and studied. It is composed of as andwich piezoelectric transducer working in al ongitudinal vibration mode, of ab arbell horn, which used as the displacement and cross-section amplifier to amplify both the longitudinal displacement amplitude and the output cross-section of the transducer,a nd of al ong metal tube that is designed to vibrate in fundamental radial vibration mode at the same working frequencyo ft he sandwich piezoelectric transducer.W ith structural optimization and vibrational mode conversion, the improvedtubular ultrasonic radiator can effectively transform the longitudinal vibration excited by the transducer into the intense radial vibration of the long metal tube. The electro-mechanical equivalent circuit for the longitudinal and radial composite vibration of the radiator wasg iven. The composite vibrational modes and the radiated sound field of the radiator were simulated and analyzed. The resonance frequency, the impedance-frequencycurves and the vibrational displacement distribution were numerically simulated and experimentally measured. It is experimentally shown that the measured results are in agreement with the analytical and numerical results, and that the strong radial vibration of the radiator can be excited by the longitudinal vibration of the sandwich longitudinal piezoelectric transducer.Therefore, it is expected to be used as high power ultrasonic radiators in ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic extraction, ultrasonic liquid processing and ultrasonic sonochemistry.