The spectrophotometer described is designed to measure specular reflectance with a high degree of accuracy. It can measure shape piece, antireflective or reflective coating and make cartographies in order to detect heterogeneities of coating.
The laser MegaJoule and reflectors of amplifying sectionsThe MegaJoule Laser Project (LMJ) and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) constitute a great technological challenge of this century, more particularly for the optical components. A laser source is amplified to reach 1.8 million Joule in order to realize fusion reactions. This paper deals with new design developed to measure the reflectivity of the optical components, in particular the reflectors of LMJ amplifiers. These metallic reflectors have a selected shape to yield the best results and are coated with a cheap process. The technical specifications of these reflectors indicate their dimension and their shape: the elements are till 2 meters high and may be not plane (corners, valleys, wavelets …). To prevent them from oxidation and abrasion due to cleaning during the life of reflectors, the reflective layer is protected by a transparent SiO 2 layer [1]. Reflector industrialization is based on technical specifications which must be achieved and qualified, particularly for the spectral reflectance. Indeed, the reflection at the wavelength of 600 nm must be higher than 96 % by taking into account the uncertainty of measurement. This requires the best precision concerning measuring instrument.
Solution to measure opaque samples with a good accuracy, instrument designThe design has already been presented during other meetings [2][3][4], and this optical system was patented [5]. The experimental set-up is summarized below and schematically drawn in Fig. 1. At first, it is designed to measure the specular reflectance of mirrors over the 420 to 950 nm wavelength range. The light beam is conditioned to enter in the monochromator which selects one wavelength. The signal is filtered spatially, spectrally and temporarily modulated. The beam is divided into two ways, one for reference and one for measurement. The sample holder is fixed on a three-axis translation stage. It enables to obtain mappings (y&z stages) and conjugates (x stage) automatically the photodiode with the surface of the sample, thanks to a video way. Once this conjugation is achieved, signals are acquired by lock-in amplifiers for several seconds in order to make an average and to reject values outside the range defined by three times the standard deviation. By calculating the ratio between the measurement and the reference ways, problems due to the fluctuations in the source output, the atmospheric absorption and the non-uniformity of the detector are reduced. This process is realized for each wavelength.