Validity of the SU(3) symmetry of the high energy two-body and quasi-two-body reaction is investigated in a small momentum transfer region by analyzing the experimental data. The scattering amplitudes are represented in terms of the t-channel amplitudes which are specified by the SU(3) multiplet, the hypercharge and the isotopic spin in the t-channel. Furthermore the octet and singlet dominance is assumed, because the assumption seems to be consistent with the experimental data presently available. It is shown that the SU(3) symmetry is not seriously broken in the reactions for the type of PsBs->PsB s , P s and Bs being the octet pseudoscalar meson and the octet baryon, respectively. In contrast, the symmetry is shown to be broken in the decuplet baryon (BlO*) production PsBs--'7PsBlO*. The breaking of the symmetry becomes larger· with increasing energy. Angular distributions for several reactions and the real to imaginary ratios of the forward scattering amplitude for the reactions n-p->non, n-p--'71jsn, K-p->Kon and K+n->Kop are predicted. § 1. IntroductionSince the Sakata modeP) and the 1-0-0 2 ) symmetry were proposed, many authors have presented the theories of symmetry such as the SU (3) ,3) SU(6)4) and many higher symmetries. The higher symmetries, however, do not seem so fruitful except for the SU(3) and the SU(6) symmetries. The SU(6) symmetry is not necessarily appropriate at high energy scatterings, though it succeeded in the classification of elementary particles and quasi-static phenomena. From the viewpoint of the SU(3) symmetry high energy two-body and quasi-two-body reactions have been discussed by many authors.5) In this paper, however, we will try to examine to what extent the SU(3) symmetry holds in the high energy two-body and quasi-two-body reactions by assuming that the scattering amplitude :lS specified not only by the dimension D of the SU(3) multiplet, but also by the hyper charge Y, the isotopic spin I and the baryon number B. *) (Also see : § 5.) The SU(3) symmetry in the region of small momentum transfer is treated with, where much experimental data are available.At first we will explicitely write down the scattering amplitude for each reaction in terms of the independent amplitude in the t-channel. The magnitudes of the t-channel amplitudes and the relative phase among them are determined *) In the SU (3) symmetry limit the scattering amplitude is specified only by the demension D of the SU(3) multiplet and is independent of Y and 1.6) at