We have used single-crystal x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and magnetometry to investigate the effect of hydrostatic pressures up to 16 kbar on the molecular spin crossover complex [Fe II (bapbpy)(NCS) 2 ]. A stepped first-order transition from the high-spin (HS) to low-spin (LS) phase was observed upon compression of single-crystal samples. The intermediate phase (IP) is stable between 4 and 11 kbar at room temperature. This phase is characterized by supercell reflections and tripling of the c-axis of the unit cell (C2/c) due to the formation of a periodic [HS-LS-LS] structural motif, as seen in the thermal stepped transition. The pressure-temperature phase diagram reveals an anomalous increase of the thermal hysteresis widths with increasing pressure and the stabilization of the IP across the investigated P-T space.