Biopharmaceutical formulations may
be compromised by freezing,
which has been attributed to protein conformational changes at a low
temperature, and adsorption to ice–liquid interfaces. However,
direct measurements of unfolding/conformational changes in sub-0 °C
environments are limited because at ambient pressure, freezing of
water can occur, which limits the applicability of otherwise commonly
used analytical techniques without specifically tailored instrumentation.
In this report, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and intrinsic
fluorescence (FL) were used to provide in situ analysis
of protein tertiary structure/folding at temperatures as low as −15
°C utilizing a high-pressure (HP) environment (up to 3 kbar)
that prevents water from freezing. The results show that the α-chymotrypsinogen
A (aCgn) structure is reasonably maintained under acidic pH (and corresponding
pD) for all conditions of pressure and temperature tested. On the
other hand, reversible structural changes and formation of oligomeric
species were detected near −10 °C via HP-SANS for ovalbumin
under neutral pD conditions. This was found to be related to the proximity
of the temperature of cold denaturation of ovalbumin (T
CD ∼ −17 °C; calculated via isothermal
chemical denaturation and Gibbs–Helmholtz extrapolation) rather
than a pressure effect. Significant structural changes were also observed
for a monoclonal antibody, anti-streptavidin IgG1 (AS-IgG1), under
acidic conditions near −5 °C and a pressure of ∼2
kbar. The conformational perturbation detected for AS-IgG1 is proposed
to be consistent with the formation of unfolding intermediates such
as molten globule states. Overall, the in situ approaches
described here offer a means to characterize the conformational stability
of biopharmaceuticals and proteins more generally under cold-temperature
stress by the assessment of structural alteration, self-association,
and reversibility of each process. This offers an alternative to current ex situ methods that are based on higher temperatures and
subsequent extrapolation of the data and interpretations to the cold-temperature