Fish freshness is lost by autolytic degradation produced by endogenous enzymes. Frozen storage is one of the most used methods to preserve fish properties. However, protein denaturation has shown to be a major problem for frozen European hake (Merluccius merluccius), leading to texture losses and off-odour development. The aim of this work was to study the changes produced by high-pressure processing (HPP) before freezing on quality of frozen European hake stored at -21 °C for 12 months. The effect of HPP (150-450 MPa) on mechanical properties and expresible water was evaluated in raw and cooked fish samples. The effect on colour (L*, a* and b*) was assessed only in raw fish. Results showed that HPP before freezing is beneficial to maintain expresible water in good levels up to 6 months. The luminosity significantly increased with pressure level. Textural profile of raw samples showed that HPP increased hardness, adhesiveness and springiness of frozen hake. Cooked samples were also affected by HPP, being the best results obtained at 300 MPa for 6 months of frozen storage. Overall, results showed that HPP improves the quality of frozen hake.