Thc catalytic synthesis of ethyl propionate from diethyl ether and carbon monoxide has been sttidicd in the presence of nickel, cobalt and iron catalysts a t a pressure range of 175-375 atm., and temperature range of 200-300".Of the various catalysts tested, the iodides of iron, cobalt and nickel. supported on silica gel, exhibit the maximum catalytic activity. Reduced metals and their carbonyls arc practically inactive. Under the optimum conditions (230"/240 atin.) the maximum yields of ethyl propionate and propionic acid were 28.2 and lO.!O/, respectively. The possible reactions leading to the formation of by-products have been elucidated hv decomposition studies.
IntroductionOrganic esters find extensive uses in various fields of industry. They can be synthesised by various methods, and that involving esterification of acids with alcohols is the one mostly employed in commercial practice. This process, however, has some drawbacks, e.g., (i) a large alcohol-to-acid ratio is required for appreciable yield of ester and (ii) there is difficulty in obtaining the higher acids in the pure state. As a result, new methods for the production of esters are being explored.Attempts to synthesise esters from ethers and carbon monoxide in the presence of various acid-type Catalysts have been made by various workers, but the results are covered by and include the formation of acids, acid anhydrides, etc., as by-products. The advantages of such processes over the widely used acid esterification method lie in (i) the valuable by-products which can be obtained and (ii) the independence of the process on the availability of particular acids in the purest possible state for the manufacture of the respective esters.As a result of their extensive work on the synthesis of various organic acids, esters, ethers, etc., from carbon monoxide as one of the raw materials under high pressure, Bhattacharyya et ~l.,~-lO have established that iron, nickel and cobalt catalysts, particularly the halides, exhibit the maximum catalytic activity. This has also been found in the present investigation, and hence detailed study has been made of the effects of different working variables on the yield of the ester with the above-mentioned catalysts.