A high-pressure polymorph of chromite, the first natural sample with the calcium ferrite structure, has been discovered in the shock veins of the Suizhou meteorite. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction analyses reveal an orthorhombic CaFe 2O4-type (CF) structure. The unit-cell parameters are a ؍ 8.954(7) Å, b ؍ 2.986(2) Å, c ؍ 9.891(7) Å, V ؍ 264.5(4) Å 3 (Z ؍ 4) with space group Pnma. The new phase has a density of 5.62 g͞cm 3 , which is 9.4% denser than chromitespinel. We performed laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments to establish that chromite-spinel transforms to CF at 12.5 GPa and then to the recently discovered CaTi 2O4-type (CT) structure above 20 GPa. With the ubiquitous presence of chromite, the CF and CT phases may be among the important index minerals for natural transition sequence and pressure and temperature conditions in mantle rocks, shock-metamorphosed terrestrial rocks, and meteorites. F orty years ago, in search of denser polymorphs of the then newly discovered silicate spinel (ringwoodite) and modified spinel (wadsleyite) that are stable at the pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions of the Earth's transition zone, Ringwood (1, 2) proposed orthorhombic CaFe 2 O 4 -type (CF) and CaTi 2 O 4 -type (CT) structures as the top candidates for ''postspinel'' transitions in the Earth's mantle (Fig. 1). Although ferromagnesian silicate spinels were later found to break down to simple oxides (3) or stishovite plus perovskite (4), several postspinel oxides convert to a single phase with the CF or CT structure (1, 2, 5-12). Neither dense postspinel polymorphs nor silicate perovskites, however, have been discovered in nature and confirmed as new minerals. Many natural high-pressure minerals presumably predominating in the Earth's mantle have been found mainly in the shock-metamorphosed meteorites, which include ringwoodite, wadsleyite, silicate ilmenite, magnesiowüs-tite, (Na,K)AlSi 3 O 8 -hollandite, and poststishovite polymorphs (13-19). Special P-T conditions developed in the impacted meteorites, for instance, a long duration of high-pressure and -temperature up to several seconds and quenching under pressure, play an important role in the formation and preservation of high-pressure phases (16). It makes the naturally shockmetamorphosed meteorites a window for discovery of new high-pressure minerals and for investigation of the constituents in the deep Earth. Preliminary examination of the Suizhou meteorite has recently revealed a shock-metamorphosed CT polymorph of chromite composition (20). In this article, we report the identification of a previously uncharacterized CF polymorph of chromite in the same meteorite. High P-T experiments demonstrate that both CF and CT are indeed quenchable polymorphs of chromite formed above 12.5 and 20 GPa, respectively.The Suizhou meteorite is a moderately shock-metamorphosed L6-chondrite, and a shock stage S5 was estimated for the meteorite according to the classification of shock metamorphism (21). The meteorite contains shock-produced melt veins ranging...